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Reading Room

I'll read just about anything.

Currently reading

The Moor's Account: A Novel
Laila Lalami
Management: A Practical Introduction
Angelo Kinicki, Brian K. Williams
Kadi Fedoruk
Batman: Blind Justice
Sam Hamm, Denys Cowan, Dick Giordano
Digital Art (World of Art)
Christiane Paul
Exploring: Microsoft Excel 2013, Comprehensive
Mary Anne Poatsy, Keith Mulbery, Jason Davidson, Robert Grauer
Exploring: Microsoft Access 2013, Comprehensive
Mary Anne Poatsy, Cynthia Krebs, Eric Cameron, Jerri Williams, Robert Grauer
QuickBooks Fundamentals Learning Guide 2014
Doug Sleeter
Land of Love and Drowning: A Novel
Tiphanie Yanique
Progress: 153/358 pages
The Danish History
Saxo Grammaticus

Danny Boy: The Legend of the Beloved Irish Ballad

Danny Boy: The Legend of the Beloved Irish Ballad - Malachy McCourt Went from 'meh' to 'why am I reading this?' with the turn of a page.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The Reluctant Fundamentalist - Mohsin Hamid hmpf... This story has the potential to really mess with a person. I can see why some didn't like it or maybe understand it. The ending is very abrupt and leaves the reader to decided what happened in the seconds after the narratior stops. For some, what happens next maybe very clear, however, the ending causes the reader to draw from their own prejudices and sterotypes. Although I found some of the narration to be "meh," the struggle the main charcater had with himself was familiar and thought provoking. I found that I liked the second half of the book more than the first half. And the ending left me in a questioning some of my own beliefs.

Child 44

Child 44 - Tom Rob Smith This story reminded me of a movie called Citizen X, which was about the Russian serial killer Andrei Chikatilo. This bothered me a little bit but the back drop of the Soviet era and the relationship between Leo and his wife made up for it. The story is very well told and if you haven't seen Citizen X or don't know anything about Chikatilo then the similarity won't bother you. Nice twist towards the end that I wasn't expecting. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Rosemary's Baby

Rosemary's Baby - Ira Levin I almost put this book down several times. I was really hoping that it would get better but it never did. I found the story boring and predictable.

Eye of the Needle

Eye of the Needle - Ken Follett I would have finished this book quicker if I had blown off work for a day or two. This book must have set the benchmark for the spy thriller.

Washington Square

Washington Square - Henry James, Elizabeth Hardwick I love Henry James. Sometimes, I want to reach into the story and smack some of the women. The story is beautifully told. A must read for lovers of language.

Red Inferno: 1945

Red Inferno: 1945 - Robert Conroy Nice what if war story. This book is an interesting show of all sides involved and not just the guys in the bunkers. This book shows the planning and strategy of the President and Generals, the fear the Russian Generals had of Stalin, and the struggles of both the soldier in the bunk and the civilians trying to survive.

The Murder of King Tut

The Murder of King Tut - James Patterson Three stories wrapped into one. One story takes place during the time of King Tut. This is a good story. Next is a story of the man that found King Tut's tomb. This is also a good story. Then there's the story about how James Patterson did his research and talked his agent into letting him write the other two stories. This story sucked and was nothing more than an interruption for the other two stories. Luckily, there are not that many of the King James Patterson stories and they are easily skipped.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson Fabulous book!

Fungus of the Heart

Fungus of the Heart - Jeremy C. Shipp Can't wait to start!!!

The First Apostle

The First Apostle - James Becker I almost put this book down after just a couple of pages. It’s another story of how the Catholic Church is hiding big secrets from the general population and Jesus had nothing to do with Christianity. Of course, there is some sort of document that can prove this and it’s been hidden for a couple thousand years. Where have I heard this before? This time, the Mafia is involved along with a British cop that was in love with his best friends’ girl even though he was married. Oh, and he ends up on the run with his ex-wife. So, yeah, I almost groaned and put it down. But it actually sucked me in and wasn’t too bad. Kind of predictable and contradicts itself at least once with a minor detail. If you have nothing else to read and need something that you can finish quick, this is your book.