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The Moor's Account: A Novel
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Management: A Practical Introduction
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Exploring: Microsoft Access 2013, Comprehensive
Mary Anne Poatsy, Cynthia Krebs, Eric Cameron, Jerri Williams, Robert Grauer
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Land of Love and Drowning: A Novel
Tiphanie Yanique
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The Danish History
Saxo Grammaticus

Widow's Might

Widow's Might - Sandra Brannan I received this book along with In the Belly of Jonah and Lot's Return to Sodom as part of a promotion with Friday Reads. I was supposed to take part in a Twitter chat with the author but I missed it because it was held in the middle of the work day.

Widow's Might is the third in a series by Sandra Brannan. It is not important to have read the first two books before reading this book but there are far too many unnecessary references to the first stories in an attempt to drum up interest in the first two books. For me, it managed to make me loose interest in this book.

The basic story revolves around a serial killer that escaped the FBI years ago and has started killing again. The original FBI agent just happens to be in town so he gets another crack at the case. Liv Bergen is not a cop or an FBI agent but the FBI wants her. As a matter of fact, a couple of the agents want Liv for themselves. This plot detail does absolutely nothing for the story. Liv is the central character in the story but I can't say that I cared about her much.

The "whodunit" part of the story is fleshed out with a bit of South Dakota history, which I thought was the most interesting part of the story. Unfortunately, I found the ending drawn out with far too many, "wait, wait why" moments. The FBI, or maybe it was me, figured everything out and explained it nicely but then it took 15 pages for the killer to explain it all, AGAIN. By the time everything was finally wrapped up I wanted the killer to shoot me, also.

Overall, Widow's Might is a very easy and forgettable read that didn't make ever want to read another of the Liv Bergen mysteries.