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Reading Room

I'll read just about anything.

Currently reading

The Moor's Account: A Novel
Laila Lalami
Management: A Practical Introduction
Angelo Kinicki, Brian K. Williams
Kadi Fedoruk
Batman: Blind Justice
Sam Hamm, Denys Cowan, Dick Giordano
Digital Art (World of Art)
Christiane Paul
Exploring: Microsoft Excel 2013, Comprehensive
Mary Anne Poatsy, Keith Mulbery, Jason Davidson, Robert Grauer
Exploring: Microsoft Access 2013, Comprehensive
Mary Anne Poatsy, Cynthia Krebs, Eric Cameron, Jerri Williams, Robert Grauer
QuickBooks Fundamentals Learning Guide 2014
Doug Sleeter
Land of Love and Drowning: A Novel
Tiphanie Yanique
Progress: 153/358 pages
The Danish History
Saxo Grammaticus

The Grove

The Grove - John Rector I'd like to say that I put off writing this review because I had to think about it for a bit. Truth is that I simply forgot that I read it. The most interesting part of the story was Dexter's descent into madness.

It's the basic story of crazy man is off his meds. Of course, there has been a tragic death, his marriage is falling apart, and he's heavily drinking. Then one day, after a blackout, he finds a young dead girl on the farm. What should he do? Investigate it himself, of course, with the help of the dead girl.

It was a nice read. The ending was not surprising and actually a little disappointing. The only thing that kept me interested was Dexter's downward spiral.