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Reading Room

I'll read just about anything.

Currently reading

The Moor's Account: A Novel
Laila Lalami
Management: A Practical Introduction
Angelo Kinicki, Brian K. Williams
Kadi Fedoruk
Batman: Blind Justice
Sam Hamm, Denys Cowan, Dick Giordano
Digital Art (World of Art)
Christiane Paul
Exploring: Microsoft Excel 2013, Comprehensive
Mary Anne Poatsy, Keith Mulbery, Jason Davidson, Robert Grauer
Exploring: Microsoft Access 2013, Comprehensive
Mary Anne Poatsy, Cynthia Krebs, Eric Cameron, Jerri Williams, Robert Grauer
QuickBooks Fundamentals Learning Guide 2014
Doug Sleeter
Land of Love and Drowning: A Novel
Tiphanie Yanique
Progress: 153/358 pages
The Danish History
Saxo Grammaticus

The Deadly Deception

The Deadly Deception - Tom McKenney This book was recommended to me by a friend that recently left Freemasonry. It is interesting and explains a lot of things about Masonry that 'profanes' wouldn't know anything about. My friend told me that 99% of the book is accurate. The 1% that he couldn't vouch for was because different Lodges have different practices. The big downfall of The Deadly Deception is that it is poorly written. It seemed to me that the arthor felt readers needed a Dick and Jane style of writing to understand Masonry. It was rather insulting at times.